Re-imagine Diversity & Inclusion Seminars

Are you ready for the 21st century? When you are ready to go deeper into your understanding of diversity and inclusion? Reimagine Diversity and Inclusion  Seminars are day long sector specific and designed to provide practical solutions for each sector to address ways to increase effective in their diversity efforts. All our seminars: examine universal sector specific values; explore current barriers to cultural diversity and  to inclusion; and offers sector specific culturally intelligent solutions that can shape action steps.

Leadership for Diversity and Inclusion Change

Leading an organization through change can be challenging. Leading an organization through racial equity change is complex and challenging. In this seminar will participants will discover ways to lead an organization through cultural diversity change in a healthy and effective way. The latest leadership research and best practices in racial equity will be shared. A step by step process for implementing and assessing racial equity change will be provided.

Decoding the Achievement Gap

Teaching with Cultural Intelligence Lens
. Despite the values of a good education for all, educational outcomes show great disparities. This seminar will allow participants to explore the latest research on root causes of the disparities. Specific areas of focus will be race and early childhood development, racial disparities in school discipline and the role unintentional cultural bias can play in impacting academic performance.

From Compliance to Inclusion

Workforce development and talent retention, are key issues for businesses in today’s global market place. This seminar examines the importance of diversity and inclusion in growing and maintaining profitability in the 21st century. We will provide the tools and strategies to maximize the return on investment in diversity efforts and provide a pathway from compliance to inclusion.

Embracing God’s Mosaic

Churches value diversity and racial reconciliation. Still most churches remain segregated in their composition. Now churches and other faith communities find the world at their doorstep. This seminar will examine the previous approaches to increasing diversity, and introduce new tools and approaches to effectively engage diverse populations.

Aligning Outcomes and Values:

Re-imagining Diversity and inclusion in nonprofits, communities and public sector organizations: This seminar will equip participants with tools to lead community change to address diversity and inclusion effectively in their work, effectively aligning organizational values and stakeholder outcomes with maximum cultural engagement as culturally intelligent organization.

Unnatural Health:

Is a lack of diversity in health care making us sick? Are health care inequities reducing life expectancy and causing excessive infant mortality rates? This seminar explores the social, individual and economic value of diversity in health care; the latest research on health inequities, the barriers to health equity and best practice and solutions for equitable health outcomes for all people.

Stop and ask – Equal Justice for all?

Law enforcement agencies and judicial systems are dealing with increasing diverse populations. The outcomes for people of color in encounters with law enforcement and the justice system are disproportionately skewed toward the negative. This is contrary to the shared value of equal justice for all. Participants in this seminar will examine the historical patterns and current realities of legal inequity. The current research and innovative best practices will be shared to provide a foundation for implementing racial equity changes in law enforcement and judicial systems.


Diversity leadership

Our Diversity Leadership (Train the Trainer) seminar series is designed to equip those tasked with the responsibility for diversity change to tools and resources to effectively implement culturally intelligent Culture-Mutual (TM) diversity plans.

Cultural Intelligence in Ministry


Cultural Intelligence in the Classroom


Becoming a Culture-Mutual (TM) Organization

This day and a half event will provide participants the tools to implement the cultural diversity paradigm and framework developed by the Reimagine Diversity and Incluson Project