our mission: Assisting organizations in all sectors to re-imagine their diversity efforts to align organizational values with measurable culturally neutral outcomes.
our values: Culture-Mutual (TM) outcomes for all people in education, business, health, faith, law and communities.
our vision: a society where a person’s cultural (race, ethnicity, gender, socio economic, nationality, religion etc) background is not a factor in their social outcomes.
our strategy and process: The Reimagine Diversity and Inclusion Project brings a new innovative, and research based approach to the work of cultural neutrality, diversity and inclusion and racial equity. We call it Targeted Alignment (TM). Targeted Alignment targets the areas that businesses and organizations need to focus on to align organizational values with culturally neutral outcomes for customers, clients or constituents. Targeted Alignment (TM) leverages on the best previous efforts in diversity and inclusion, and racial equity and infuses the latest research in human behavior science, systems theory and cultural intelligence to develop measurable Culture-Mutual (TM) outcomes for our clients.